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3 Factors to Consider When Designing an Outdoor Fireplace

Oct 31, 2022

3 Factors to Consider When Designing an Outdoor Fireplace

3 Factors to Consider When Designing an Outdoor Fireplace

More and more homeowners want ways to enhance their outdoor living opportunities. A fireplace in your backyard can be a great way to diversify your outdoor living space.

A fireplace will not only serve as a gathering place for friends and family, but it can also meet many practical needs (like warmth and food preparation) as well.

Maximize the value of your new and improved outdoor space by considering these three factors as you design your outdoor fireplace.

1. Location

A good outdoor fireplace design begins with the perfect location. Evaluate your backyard to determine if you should construct your fireplace near a corner, along a fence, or adjacent to an existing patio. The location of your fireplace will have a direct impact on the way in which you use this outdoor feature, so take the time to identify your specific needs.

If you plan to do a lot of outdoor cooking with your new fireplace, you probably want the fireplace near your kitchen door. If you plan to use your fireplace as more of a relaxation aid, then locate the fireplace in the far corner of your yard to allow you to avoid having your relaxation interrupted by sounds from within your home.

Just be sure that the location you select is not near any dry shrubs or overhanging tree branches to avoid potential fire hazards.

2. Materials

Modern outdoor fireplaces are constructible with a wide range of materials. The type of materials that you select for your fireplace design will have a significant impact on the overall look of the fireplace once installation is complete.

Select materials that will blend seamlessly with the existing design aesthetic of your home's exterior.

A concrete fireplace will pair well with a modern home. Stone fireplaces can easily complement a rustic log cabin or ranch-style rambler. Traditional or colonial homes should have outdoor fireplaces featuring a timeless brick façade. Stucco is the material of choice for homes with a southwestern or desert flair.

Let the architectural design of your home inform the design of your outdoor fireplace if you want to create an appealing and cohesive landscape aesthetic.

3. Fuel Type

No outdoor fireplace is complete without a firebox with dancing flames. These flames are typically fueled by either wood or gas. You will need to think carefully about which type of fuel best fits with your lifestyle before you complete the design for your new fireplace.

Gas fireplaces offer the benefit of producing a smoke-free fire, but you may have to pay to install a new gas pipeline. Wood fireplaces give you the ability to recreate the camping experience from the comfort of your backyard.

If you do opt to design an outdoor fireplace fueled by wood, be sure that you also include a wood storage area into your design. This storage area will need to be large enough to house the wood necessary to keep a fire burning throughout the evening. Incorporating a wood storage area into your fireplace design can eliminate the need to make multiple trips to your woodpile when you tend a fire.

An outdoor fireplace can not only improve the quality of your outdoor living space but helps you increase your home's value over time.

If you are ready to start designing the fireplace of your dreams, give the professionals at Morlock Landscape & Design a call. We look forward to helping you have the perfect fireplace you can enjoy for years to come. Please let us know what questions or concerns you have. We are happy to assist in any way we can with your outdoor fireplace needs.

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